Home Workout for Rugby Players | Upper Body

By Lochaber RFC
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So in the current world crisis we must train from home. In scrolling through the internet I was disappointed to find only circuit based work and nothing that lends itself to progressive overload... Nothing I would send to my squad. These series of videos changes that. We will use this split for three weeks, and then review what the guidance and protocols are around the corona-virus crisis. AIM To get between 50-70 press ups in total. if you achieve more than this please follow the below progressions. If you achieve less, please follow the below regressions. PROGRESSIONS 01. Make the 'holds' dynamic and try some handstand push ups. Simply adjust distance from your head to floor with some cushions. 02. Elevate your feet on the couch for the press ups. Or alternative use a band. Obviously it goes without saying, the goal is to get more total press ups next week and the week after so choose what way you want to attack it and stick with it. 03. Elevate your feet on the pike push ups. 04. Go hands free on the neck bridges. REGRESSIONS 01. Practice the 'headstand' instead of the handstand. 02. Perform press ups from the knee position. 03. Remove reps where needed (on the row etc), however, stick with the sets and recovery. 04. Keep the neck bridge static instead of dynamic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need info or help, comment below and I'll get back to you. You can find me here: https://www.instagram.com/coachfmt/?hl=en You can learn about me here: http://www.fmtraining.co.uk/about-us/ Happy training folks.
